Standard Flint and Steel fire making set with two finger striker
We have searched extensively in order to bring you the very best strikers for flint and steel fire starting. Their smaller size allows them to fit more neatly in most tinder boxes.
Each Flint and Steel Set comes with a striker, flint, a roll of charcloth, jute nesting fiber and instructions. $19.95
For hundreds of years before the invention of the phosphorus match, flint and steel was the most common means of fire making. Many modern day historical reenactors are familiar with the use of charcloth. However, charcloth is actualy a fairly recent development. Prior to charcloth, a variety of natural tinders were used such as wood punk also called "touchwood".
The following video clip demonstrates how the pith of the mullein plant can be used with flint and steel.
Charcloth Tinder Kit - only $7.95
Now you can make your own charcloth at home so you'll have a never ending supply of tinder for your fire pistion or flint and steel fire making.
Kit includes a metal tin, roll of 100% cotton fabric and our foolproof instructions.
Deluxe, Flint and Steel set with large three finger striker. The three finger striker is about 1/3 larger and affords a comfortable grip for larger hands and protects the knuckles.
Each Flint and Steel Set comes with a striker, flint, a roll of charcloth, jute nesting fiber and instructions. $26.95
New - Large English Style Striker Flint and Steel Set
Our new large English style striker has a an extra beefy striking surface and throws a huge shower of sparks. This is an excellent choice when using natural tinders instead of charcloth. ( wood punk shown in photo )
Each Flint and Steel Set comes with a striker, flint, a roll of charcloth, jute nesting fiber and instructions. $26.95
NEW - Mini Striker flint and steel set
The Mini Strikers are small and thin enough to carry in wallet or on a key ring. As demonstrated in the video, they spark hot enough to ignite wood punk.
The Mini Striker Sets come with Charcloth, Jute fiber and instructions and are priced at only $9.95